The hottest diva will be in toronto, and doing what she does best which is performing her greatest hits at the Molson Ampitheatre this monday july 20th!!!!
She'll be gone a while so i hope everyone has there tickets up!!!
Dime Divas in Tdot layin out da format of what women go through with men, turn ons and turn offs, life lessons for the young divas in training... Also, we cant forget about the young boys who are TRYING to be men. We got u :D
OMG Beyonce was AMAZING. she was an angel ... wow.. she brought tears to my eyes LOL jeez i sound like a corney bitch lol ... wamp wamp... her performance moved me. lol ANYONE who says shes fake can go suck a dick. I saw realness in her eyes.. :) KEEP IT UP B!